23 FEB 2019
High Purity Reef Aquarium Products From Italy
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Marine Aquariums | Coral Food | Marine Additives | Water Treatment | Calcium Reactors | Oceanlife
Oceanlife is another incredible aquarium manufacturer from Italy whose incredible products is making its way soon to South Africa. The company has been operating for nearly 20 years and produces products like chemical additives, filtration media, test kits, food, aquariums and impressive livestock display systems.   We’ve been impressed with the level of quality from Oceanlife and other Italian companies. They construct quality aquariums that are beautifully designed from top to bottom including custom-coloured stands to make an impact. They pride themselves on building designs that fit the customer’s needs – whether you are a hobbyist or a retailer or wholesaler. A fresh source of nutrients can really make the difference to coral nutrition, colouration and health. From studies, Oceanlife learned that the concept to feed corals with fish wastes is conceptually wrong. In nature, our corals absorb from water a quantity of elements like minerals, vitamins a.. [More] oceanlifecoralfoodrange.jpg
Tags : Oceanlife High Purity Reef Aquarium Products From Italy , Reef Tank South Africa , Coral Food South Africa , Marine Aquarium Overflow South Africa , Balling Method South Africa Comment 0 Comments
23 AUG 2014
Looking After Your Coral
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Aquatics | Marine Aquariums
If you are keeping a marine tank, the chances are that one of the most potentially beautiful and intriguing things about it, is the coral that you keep. With so many colourful varieties on offer, in different shapes and sizes, they are often the most stunning feature of your tank. Perhaps more importantly, is the functions of coral in your tank. When coral is done right, it becomes the life-force of your tank, becoming the home to many reef fish and aquatic vegetation, including beneficial bacteria that act as a filter within your aquarium keeping the water quality better for all the other colourful critters in your tank. While some corals require a lot of experience, keeping care of simple coral is easy when you know how, so let’s look at the best ways to let coral thrive in your tank and how to set it up so your coral is at its’ glorious best. Lighting Providing your coral with the right amount of light is absolutely essential to coral survival.. [More] CORALS.jpg
Tags : Looking After Your Coral , Marine Aquariums South Africa , Marine Tank South Africa , Buy Reef Tank South Africa , Reefkeeping South Africa , Corals South Africa , Reef Tank setup south africa Comment 0 Comments
09 AUG 2014
Using UV Sterilizers For Reef Tanks
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Aquatics | Aquael | Fish | Aquarium Filters | Marine Aquariums
Successful reef tanks require a delicate balance and hard work to keep all their inhabitants healthy. A UV sterilizer may make it easier to keep your tank clean, but ease of use doesn't matter if it disrupts that crucial balance. A clear view of the risks and benefits will help you know if this type of filtration system is right for your tank. How A UV Sterilizer Works These filtration systems work by drawing up a small amount of tank water at a time, usually through a powerhead motor, and passing it over a UV bulb. The procedure kills fungi, algae, bacteria, parasites and sometimes viruses, depending on the strength of the bulb and the amount of time the water spends under UV light. Some UV systems claim to kill as much as 99 percent of the organisms that pass through them. The system can help hobbyists prevent disease and parasites in their tanks and get a handle on algae blooms. Effect on Supplemental Products In addition to killing harmful organisms, UV li.. [More] corals in nano aquarium.jpg
Tags : Using UV Sterilizers For Reef Tanks in South Africa , UV Sterlizers South Africa , Nano aquariums South Africa , Reef Tanks South Africa , Tropical Aquariums South Africa , Fish Tank South Africa Comment 0 Comments
21 JUN 2014
Tips For Small Aquarium Success
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Aquatics | Aquael | Tropical Aquariums | Marine Aquariums
Whether you're establishing your first aquarium, or expanding your hobby experience with a new niche system, small aquariums, approximately 30 litres or less, make a rewarding and relaxing project at home or in the office. A nano aquarium's compact footprint make it a perfect fit for that empty corner or bare wall, and with the advances in multi-stage filtration and compact fluorescent lighting, maintaining a thriving freshwater or marine system is easier than ever. Small-volume aquariums also demand special attention because changes in water quality, temperature, and fish stress levels become more pronounced in aquariums less than 30 litres. With patience, research, and a little extra diligence, you too can create a beautiful, healthy nano-system. Here are some tips to get started: Pick a Kit - A hobbyist's best bet is to get a foolproof aquarium kit with integrated filtration and lighting built-in. That way, every component is a perfect fit, and you'll j.. [More] nano aquarium.jpg
Tags : Tips For Small Aquarium Success , Fish Tank South Africa , Nano aquarium South Africa , reef tank , marine tank , tropical aquarium Comment 0 Comments
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